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Dogs and Dog Owners

There are a growing number of dog parks in the US as the country becomes more urbanized and densely populated. The United States is home to 90 million pet dogs who produce over 10 million tons of waste each year. Dog waste carries a number of bacteria and parasites that spread infectious diseases and pose environmental hazards if not disposed of properly. Dog waste can be a problem for the park management, dog owners and nearby residents. It carries a number of bacteria, parasites (Cyclospora, Roundworm, Tapeworm), and diseases (E.Coli, Salmonella, Yersiniosis, Campylobacteriosis) that could pollute our public spaces and make both humans and ecosystems sick. On the management side, there are also a wide range of challenges from cost to implementation. Despite the many efforts on both the side of management and dog owners to achieve better dog waste management, there are still a lot of challenges like the lack of proper facilities and biodegradable bags, high management costs, and the reluctance to pick up the waste.


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Created by RISD Biodesign Team 

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